Back Cover of the book : « Such Milo’s Venus in drawers realized by Dali in 1936, this work calls on to our collective memory. That it is about memories of our childhood, about recollections of past or about uncountable trajectories which take our thoughts, our acts and our imagination, every time a sense emerges from folds and folds of the memory. A sense which escapes us, but which is always bound with a singular story – that of our internal world – and in a common imagination – the memory of the men and the universe who carry them-. It is for the authors about » The Folds of the memory » of trying to find this direction through their singular analyses of a plural world. Jean-Pierre Luminet about the memories of the universe; Michel Maffesoli concerning the postmodern tribal memory; Astrid Guillaume, that of the spiritual symbols and the humanity; Georges Chapouthier about the memory of the evolution; Joseph Brenner, of the logic and the memory; Jean-Marc Chomaz, memory loops of the earth; Remo Bodei about the memory and about the forgetting; Philippe Quéau, metaphysical and meta-social memoirs; Bernard Troude, of the instinct and the memory or the phenomenology of the creation; Marc-William Debono concerning the memory and the unconsciousness; Babacar Mbaye Diop, the art and the memory in Black Africa; Corina Crainic, the memory and the imagination to Sliding and finally Edgar Morin about the memory and about the forgiveness. »
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