Jean-Pierre DESTHUILLIERS is an engineer of aircraft manufacturing, an alumnus of the Institute of applied law and a poet. He is also a vice-president of the association of the OA of the ENSICA and of the European Institute of Human Development and worked in the educational domain by contributing to develop original concepts such the sociodynamics, the situational analysis and the networks of co-activity. From the point of view of the writing, editorial writer, preface writer, publisher and member of the French Poets, he obtained in particular the Norman Jacques prize of the SGL in 1987 for « Sculptor of waters » and participates actively in the activities of associations as ‘The bridge of the sword’ or ‘The Jointée’. More recently, he created the website Adamantane subtitled ‘polychromatic literatures and experimental writings’ displaying numerous pieces of « poécriture » and creativity. He is also interested in the symbolic approach of the spiritual reality and animates in this direction workshops of poetic writing on ‘the architexture’. In this article on the handaxes and on symmetries, Jean-Pierre Desthuilliers joins at once in our plastic initiative, namely to answer ‘in waterfall’ to the article of Michel de Caso « About a symmetry of the Acheulian handaxes » published in PLASTIR n°13 himself answering to the Derek Hodgson’s original article describing the neuropsychological aspects of these handaxes (PLASTIR n°12). And what he compares with a famous angle of 36 °, otherwise the « two faces of the same object. The acheulean handaxes and the bone of cuttlefish cauchois » ? In this particular case, symmetries which are only « automorphisms of very different natures » will lead the author to investigate in a analogo-poetic way the crossed facets of a Derek Hodgson under the features of Lewis Caroll, a De Caso sometimes geometrician, sometimes film director. Actually, if the body of the text leaves a mental construction appeared from a superimposing of illustrations from De Caso, the thorough questions are not skipped for all as far as the representative plasticity of the double-sided is analyzed under all its faces, where the ‘rectoversion’ is symmetrised in ‘versorection’, where the geometrisation of the reality becomes a shape of knowledge and where the effect mirror is reflected to the aesthetics of the poem.
Juli MINOVES TRIQUELL is a diplomat, writer and Andorran politician. He was foreign minister between 2001 and 2007. Since then he is Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, Culture and Universities, and he served as Minister of Public Affaires (Government Spokesman). Diplomat by profession, he had served Andorra, previously to his ministerial positions, as Ambassador Permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador to the United States of America, to Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, Finland, and the World Trade Organization. He is also president of JEF (Andorran Institute of law, economic and financial studies) and the Institute for Andorran studies (IEA: Andorra, Toulouse and Barcelona), as well as the public society Andorra Tourisme SA U, the national classical orchestra (ONCA) and the national choir Petits Chanteurs d’Andorre, as well as the Scène nationale d’Andorre (ENA). Mr. Minoves was educated as an economist at the University of Fribourg, Swiss, 1987-1991, and as a political scientist at the Yale University, 1991-1994. He achieved a MA and M.Phil in political science in the fields of compared politics, philosophy of politics and economical politics. Among his publications and research papers are : “Economic Sciences and Moral”, CRESUF, Fribourg CH (1996), Enter in the Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought, Routledge, London-NewYork : Article about Constitutional Monarchies (2001), various publications of subjects related to Foreign Affairs and Humain Rights (2000-2008) and the “The World Economic Crisis”, Vancouver, Liberal International (2009) from which this interview is realized. He is also the author of “Segles de Memòria” a novel awarded with the Fiter i Rossell Prize in 1989, Short stories awarded with « Sant Carles Borromeu » in 1991, and he holds a State Diploma for music and piano from Liceu in Barcelona. In 1997 he was awarded the Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit of Portugal. Recently, he was appointed Grand Officer (1rst class) of the Order to the Star of Italian Solidarity by the President of the Italian Republic (2009). Ilke Angela MARECHAL, writer, poet and translater, deals with the interaction of science, art and knowledge. Already about fifty of her talks from her radio programme Espectase on Aligre FM Paris can be found on Internet. She has organized cultural events in the field of science-art, in particular in Paris at the foundation Dosne-Thiers, part of the ‘Institut de France’ as well as at the science museum Palais de la découverte. She is the author of « Sciences et Imaginaire » (Albin Michel, Cité des sciences et de l’industrie 1994), and counts among her publications dialogues, articles, poetic works and translations in magazines of different kinds. Her passion for the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and the phenomena called sychronicity led her to be Marie-Louise von Franz’s translator (German into French) for “Matter and Psyche” a book of reference on the topic (Albin Michel and Le Grand Livre du Mois 2002). Living now in the Principat of Andorra, and in accordance with its tradition and richness of multiple languages, as well as with her own inclination, she has founded the publishing house AnimaViva multilingüe. For Plastir she engaged a dialogue with Juli Minoves Triquell about some of the profound reasons of the global crisis that recently developed in nearly every part of our daily life. Notions like freedom, responsibility, moral and ethics lead us straight to the concept of Stewardship which Juli Minoves as its spokesperson takes advantage of to make us think about a possible reconciliation between Natural Law and the contribution of the age of rationalism or Enlightenment. Evolution thanks to the plasticity of man and society? Adaptation thanks to survival ? Capacity of creation thanks to crisis? Reconciliation of opposites ? Many are the subjects raised, few are the solutions found. The reader himself is being asked for. The world’s brain, through all of us, has to invent the answers. Ethics and economy: some reflections upon the current state of the world.
Jean-Pierre LUMINET and Elisa BRUNE offer us the “good sheets” of a book that they have just published at Odile Jacob editions ( 2009 ). This text begins with a quotation which tells us many things on its contents: « In the country of the galaxies, ants are blind « . It places clearly the technological abyss which separates us from Ptolemy and Copernicus, the colossal discoveries which took place since and at the same time this insatiable interrogation in front of the universe as the cradle of the humanity. Jean-Pierre Luminet and Elisa Brune do not however content with asking eternal metaphysical questions that we settle all in front of the unlimitedness, but give us elements of answer through two approaches: precise facts – Fall in 1968 of the meteorite Allende in Mexico which has the age of the solar system (4566 billion years), threatens with falls of asteroids on Earth possibly bounded to the massive extinction of certain alive sorts there is 65 million years, etc. ..- and hypotheses of school – the conditions to prove the existence of exoterrian human beings are gathered: it is enough to analyze the radiation stemming from their planets; the galaxies are not distributed at random but in superheap, messages were sent and will put approximately 25000 years arriving in the direction of some of these heap. So, from black holes to black holes, if we can dare this futuristic metaphor, it is thousands of virgin universes which we could discover one day. In that case, a single attitude to be held: “let us listen to what space says to us”.
The authors: is it still necessary to present Jean-Pierre Luminet, astrophysicist at the Observatory of Meudon, research director at the CNRS (French national Centre for Research), known for its works on the black holes and on the ‘tired-looking universes’, but also essayist, novelist and poet as we had scoop to discover him in PLASTIR n°3 ? He signed numerous works of scientific culture translated in more than ten languages of which » The tired-looking universe » (2001) and » The fate of the universe » (2006) at Fayard editions, novels, the last one of which is entitled « The eye of Galilee » J-C Lattès (2009), and poetry with the anthology « The poets and the universe » (1996) and « Heavenly Route » (Cherche-Midi editor, 2004). He also published numerous essays in the crossed fields of cosmology, sciences, arts and epistemology without discontinuity, embodying perfectly the image of the ‘Plasticians’ in the meaning where we define it. Elisa BRUNE is a doctor in economy of the environment, a scientific journalist (The Research, Sky and Space…) and especially a renowned novelist. Among her works, we can quote: « Edouard’s temptation » (Belfond, 2003), « Cracks » (Harmattan, 1996), » The rotating » (J’ai lu, 2003), « Relations of uncertainties » (Ramsay, 2004), » A man is a rose » (Ramsay, 2005) or still « The quark, the neurone and the psychoanalyst « , (The Apple tree, 2006).
Olivia BIANCHI is philosopher, lecturer at the University Paris 7 Denis Diderot and writer. After studies in philosophy at the University Paris I and of art history at the School of the Louvre, she makes a doctoral work on the aesthetics of Hegel in 1998, entitled « Hegel and the painting » which will be published at The Harmattan in 2003 in the collection “The philosophic Opening”. Besides a series of articles with which most are dedicated to the aesthetics of Hegel, she will publish « The Hatred of the poor man » in 2005 at the same publisher and prepares at present a new entitled essay « The laugh. From aesthetics to ethics ». In this paper, she highlights the importance of the concept of plasticity, not in the Hegelian approach, but from the point of view of Nietzsche’s aesthetics. We notice it very fast besides, from the beginning of the conception of the art according to Nietzsche; a conception centred on the notion of beauty, power or dominion and pleasure; a conception so lawful on the resistance in these drives and the extension of the notion of suffering from the individual to the human race. This question, this link between beauty and suffering of people is perfectly illustrated by the Greek tragedy as indicates it to us the author « to be tragic, it is on the contrary to assert the brutality of the existence, it is to grant to live without restraint, without economy » while warning us against bad interpretations linked to the repetitions ‘of the fate’ about the history of the suffering ‘not printed by beauty’ of the Hebraic people augured by Nietzsche himself: » There will be wars as there has been still never on earth. It is that from me that there is on earth a big policy « . More generally, Nietzsche always connected aesthetically and plastically art and suffering, by adjoining the metaphysics because it is essentially, according to Olivia Bianchi, about « the art to justify the existence of the world as ‘aesthetic phenomenon’ « . And that, by distinguishing clearly the beauty of the weak and the strong men, the human being from the superhuman and especially the Apollonian arts from the Dionysian arts which illustrate the drunkenness in the highest degree, its ecstatic nature, « its power of metamorphosis « . Message to be meditated towards the meanders of the definition of creativity, of its tortuous roads, of its contemporary access, of its ethics and of its power, henceforth cyberpoetic.